Scope of Work
Change in Scope of Work – Improved Project – Codes and Standards

When a change in scope or a need for additional funding is discovered; the applicant should notify the grantee as soon as possible. When an Applicant makes improvements or changes to a project SOW; it must obtain prior approval from FEMA before commencing work.The Applicant made improvements to the Metro Lane water line by relocating the water line to a new location without seeking prior approval from FEMA.Costs associated with work that changes the predisaster construction design of a facility may be eligible for PA funding if work is done to comply with codes or standards. The code or standard must apply to the type of repair or restoration required.The Applicant has not demonstrated that the installation of additional fire hydrants or valves was required by an eligible code or standard.

Change in Scope of Work, Improved Project, Codes and Standards

Tenn. Dep’t of Fin. and Admin.; FEMA-1745-DR-TN; at 7.Essex Cty.; FEMA-4020-DR-NY; at 5-6.HeadnotesWhen a change in scope or a need for additional funding is discovered; the applicant should notify the grantee as soon as possible. When an Applicant makes improvements or changes to a project’s SOW; it must obtain prior approval from FEMA before commencing work.The Applicant made improvements to the Metro Lane water line by relocating the water line to a new location without seeking prior approval from FEMA.Costs associated with work that changes the predisaster construction design of a facility may be eligible for PA funding if work is done to comply with codes or standards. The code or standard must apply to the type of repair or restoration required.The Applicant has not demonstrated that the installation of additional fire hydrants or valves was required by an eligible code or standard.

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