Facility Restoration
Bridges/ Scope of Work
Town of Springtown

44 C.F.R. 206.205(a) requires the Grantee to certify that a project was completed in line with FEMA approvals for small project funding. Pursuant to Public Assistance Guide; FEMA 322; at 109 (June 2007); failure to start or complete a small project requires FEMA to deobligate funding.The Applicant did not replace the Flint Creek Bridge per the PW scope of work.

Result of Declared Incident, Change in Scope of Work

44 C.F.R. § 206.203(d)(1)-(2) (2007).44 C.F.R. § 206.205(a) (2007).Public Assistance Guide; FEMA 322; at 109 (June 2007).DAP 9525.13; Alternate Projects (July 31; 2001).Headnotes44 C.F.R. § 206.205(a) requires the Grantee to certify that a project was completed in line with FEMA approvals for small project funding. Pursuant to Public Assistance Guide; FEMA 322; at 109 (June 2007); failure to start or complete a small project requires FEMA to deobligate funding.The Applicant did not replace the Flint Creek Bridge per the PW scope of work.

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