Beaches/ Direct Result of the Disaster/ Legal Responsibility – Other Federal Agency/ Sand Replacement
Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration

44 C.F.R. 206.201 defines a facility as “any publicly or privately owned building; works; system or equipment; built or manufactured; or an improved and maintained natural feature.”

Beaches, Legal Responsibility

44 C.F.R. §§ 206.201(c); (j); 206.226(a); (j); 206.340; 206.343(a).PA Guide; at 22.FEMA Recovery Policy FP-205-081-2; Stafford Act Section 705; Disaster Grant Closeout Procedures (Mar. 31; 2016).FEMA Second Appeal Analysis; Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Isles Dernieres Restoration Projects; FEMA-1437-DR-LA (Jan. 25; 2005)FEMA Second Appeal Analysis; Ventura County; FEMA-1577-DR-CA (July 7; 2009)Headnotes44 C.F.R. § 206.201 defines a facility as “any publicly or privately owned building; works; system or equipment; built or manufactured; or an improved and maintained natural feature.”

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