Beaches - Environmental Compliance
Town of Southampton

Existing roads; structures; or facilities that are consistent with the purposes of CBRA may be eligible for permanent work funding. An existing facility is defined as a publicly owned or operated facility on which construction started on or before October 18; 1982. For any unit added to the Coastal Barrier Resource System (CBRS) by amendment to the CBRA; the enactment date of such amendment is substituted for October 18; 1982. Tiana Beach was added to the CBRS on November 16; 1990. The Applicant has not substantiated that the structures in question were present prior to November 16; 1990.If a facility has been substantially improved or expanded since the date of enactment; it is not an existing facility. The Applicant submitted design plans which indicated that the existing structure was expanded in 2005.


HeadnotesExisting roads; structures; or facilities that are consistent with the purposes of CBRA may be eligible for permanent work funding. An existing facility is defined as a publicly owned or operated facility on which construction started on or before October 18; 1982. For any unit added to the Coastal Barrier Resource System (CBRS) by amendment to the CBRA; the enactment date of such amendment is substituted for October 18; 1982. Tiana Beach was added to the CBRS on November 16; 1990. The Applicant has not substantiated that the structures in question were present prior to November 16; 1990.If a facility has been substantially improved or expanded since the date of enactment; it is not an existing facility. The Applicant submitted design plans which indicated that the existing structure was expanded in 2005.

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