Support Documentation
Application Procedures
Debre Hail Saint Raguel Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that potential applicants are aware of available Public Assistance and for the timely submission documents necessary for the award of grants. FEMA may extend submission deadlines if the recipient submits a written extension request and provides justification based on extenuating circumstances beyond the recipient or applicant control.Here; the Recipient did not submit the Applicant RPA within the regulatory deadline; and neither the Recipient nor the Applicant has demonstrated that extenuating circumstances beyond their control prevented timely submission of the RPA.FEMA finds that the Recipient did not submit the Applicant RPA within the regulatory deadline and that neither the Recipient nor the Applicant has demonstrated that extenuating circumstances beyond either control prevented timely submission of the RPA. Therefore; this appeal is denied.

Application Procedures

HeadnotesRecipients are responsible for ensuring that potential applicants are aware of available Public Assistance and for the timely submission documents necessary for the award of grants. FEMA may extend submission deadlines if the recipient submits a written extension request and provides justification based on extenuating circumstances beyond the recipient’s or applicant’s control.Here; the Recipient did not submit the Applicant’s RPA within the regulatory deadline; and neither the Recipient nor the Applicant has demonstrated that extenuating circumstances beyond their control prevented timely submission of the RPA.ConclusionFEMA finds that the Recipient did not submit the Applicant’s RPA within the regulatory deadline and that neither the Recipient nor the Applicant has demonstrated that extenuating circumstances beyond either’s control prevented timely submission of the RPA. Therefore; this appeal is denied.

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