Immediate Threat
Appeals/ Result of Declared Incident
Perry Township

44 C.F.R. 206.206(a) requires that applicants make their appeal in writing through the grantee to FEMA. The Applicant second appeal is for GMPs 104094; 104120; 104218; and 106653 only. As such; FEMA will not consider a second appeal for GMPs 104123 and 104223; or GMP 133856 because there is no appeal for these projects that meets the regulatory format and content requirements of an appeal.

Appeals, Result of Declared Incident

PAPPG (v 3.1) at 19-20; 116; 133; 135.Franklin County; FEMA-4230-DR-KS; at 6-7; Pulaski Cty.; FEMA-4250-DR-MO; at 4; Republic Cty. Highway Dep’t; FEMA-4230-DR-KS; at 3. Headnotes44 C.F.R. § 206.206(a) requires that applicants make their appeal in writing through the grantee to FEMA. The Applicant’s second appeal is for GMPs 104094; 104120; 104218; and 106653 only. As such; FEMA will not consider a second appeal for GMPs 104123 and 104223; or GMP 133856 because there is no appeal for these projects that meets the regulatory format and content requirements of an appeal.

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