Appeal Timeliness
Appeal Timeliness – 705(c)
Broward County

Stafford Act 423(a); implemented by 44 C.F.R. 206.206(c)(1); allows an applicant to appeal any PA determination within 60 days of receiving notice of the appealable action. As stated in the Dep’t of Transp.; FEMA does not possess the regulatory authority to grant time extensions for filing appeals. This exclusion similarly applies to the Grantee. The Applicant received notice of Version 4 deobligation in December 2014. Therefore; its May 1; 2015 first appeal letter; dated more than 60 days after receipt; was untimely.


Stafford Act §§ 423(a); 705(c).44 C.F.R. § 206.206(a); (c)(1).FP-205-081-2; Stafford Act Section 705; Disaster Grant Closeout Procedures; at 4-7.Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Miami; FEMA-1602-DR-FL; at 3-4; City of Pompano Beach; FEMA-1609-DR-FL; at 4; Town of Southampton; FEMA-4085-DR-NY; at 3; City of Sweetwater; FEMA-1345-DR-FL; at 4; Labette Cty.; FEMA-1849-DR-KS; at 6; City of Pensacola; FEMA-1551-DR-FL; at 5; Port of Galveston; FEMA-1791-DR-TX; at 7; Broward Cty. School Bd. of Fla.; FEMA-1609-DR-FL; at 3-4; Dep’t of Transp.; FEMA-4068-DR-FL; at 3.HeadnotesStafford Act § 423(a); implemented by 44 C.F.R. § 206.206(c)(1); allows an applicant to appeal any PA determination within 60 days of receiving notice of the appealable action. As stated in the Dep’t of Transp.; FEMA does not possess the regulatory authority to grant time extensions for filing appeals. This exclusion similarly applies to the Grantee. The Applicant received notice of Version 4’s deobligation in December 2014. Therefore; its May 1; 2015 first appeal letter; dated more than 60 days after receipt; was untimely.

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