Allowable & Reasonable Costs
Allowable Costs and Reasonable Costs/ Financial Accounting and Reconciliation/ Section 705
School Board of Bay County

To be eligible; costs must be directly tied to the performance of eligible work and be adequately documented.A state or local government is not liable for reimbursement or any other penalty for any payment made pursuant to the Stafford Act if the payment was authorized in an approved agreement specifying costs; the costs were reasonable; and the purpose of the grant was accomplished.The Applicant did not provide adequate documentation to demonstrate that the repairs to its Facility and associated costs were directly tied to the performance of eligible work. FEMA is not barred from deobligating funding because the Recipient has not drawn down funds for the project.

Allowable & Reasonable Costs, Financial Accounting and Reconciliation

Sch. Bd. Of Bay Cnty.; FEMA-4339-DR-FL; at 2; Campbell Cty. Fire Dist. #1; FEMA-4497-DR-KY; at 3.HeadnotesTo be eligible; costs must be directly tied to the performance of eligible work and be adequately documented.A state or local government is not liable for reimbursement or any other penalty for any payment made pursuant to the Stafford Act if the payment was authorized in an approved agreement specifying costs; the costs were reasonable; and the purpose of the grant was accomplished.The Applicant did not provide adequate documentation to demonstrate that the repairs to its Facility and associated costs were directly tied to the performance of eligible work. FEMA is not barred from deobligating funding because the Recipient has not drawn down funds for the project.Conclusion

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