705/ Support Documentation
Columbus Consolidated Government (formerly Muscogee County);

FP 205-081-2 states for a subrecipient (i.e. applicant or subgrantee); the protections of 705 become effective 3 years after the date of transmission of the recipient (i.e. grantee ) final expenditure report.

Financial Accounting and Reconciliation

Stafford Act § 325(a)(1); 705(a)–(b).44 C.F.R. §§ 13.3; 13.42(b); 13.42(c)(1); 206.201(e); 206.206(a).FP 205-081-2; at 1; 3.PA Guide; at 41; 42; 86.City of Sweetwater; FEMA-1345-DR-FL; at 3HeadnotesFP 205-081-2 states for a subrecipient (i.e. applicant or subgrantee); the protections of § 705 become effective 3 years after the date of transmission of the recipient’s (i.e. grantee’s) final expenditure report.

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